Thursday, 28 July 2011
Lone Travel
Travelling on youre own isnt too bad as long as you have someone with you.You see When I checked into one of those bargain basket hotels last week I thought I was alone. to be cnd
Wednesday, 27 July 2011
Good to go
I got stopped yesterday at a road block. The police women who came over to me told me in a very nice way that my Tax disk was a few months out of date and what with only being able to view the back of the disk from inside the vechile I assumed she was correct. I was suprised to hear this and assumed the company I worked for must have forgot to issue the disk but she got on the radio and checked if the Vechile was actually taxed.She came over all smiles and said "youre Good to go". I was relieved said thanks and drove off.When I got home I noticed that it was actually taxed till next bloody year,April to be exact.She must have read the disk wrong and thought we were in 2012.Now she really should have gone to specsavers.
Tuesday, 26 July 2011
power walkers
Ya they are taking over our country and suburban roads in the evening times,groups of walkers violently swinging their arms in unison going nowhere and creating a breeze.Well I have an idea why not put them to good use and get them delivering stuff along the way.A power walking delivery service ,they get fit while someone else get stuff delivered to their letterbox.
It could be anything really newspapers fastfood menus shop advertisements.
We´ll find use for these people yet
It could be anything really newspapers fastfood menus shop advertisements.
We´ll find use for these people yet
Sunday, 24 July 2011
Change the Apron
Ya we got a fine day in the end for the BBQ. On the way home we stopped off in one of those roadside garages. I had being here before last week ,that time I asked for a chicken sandwich and noticed the girl in the deli counter had on what once was a white apron but when I was there looked like she had slaughtered a number of chickens that day alone ,The whole front of it was covered in , well I didnt get a close up but lets just say its wasnt white . I was looking at all this from the counter area which was just as well really .I got in to my vechile and ate the sandwich but at the back of my mind was that Apron.
But I got over all that and ate the beast and went home telling myslef that that she proberly was really busy that day and didnt have time to change her Hygiene wear.
When I went in today I simply got diesel and the guy behind the counter had an Apron it was flithy aswell. Now there was no food involved this time but I couldnt help wonder if it was the same Apron never washed since last week and covered in a weeks chicken matter and whatever elese they do there.I dont know if I can trust these type of places any more and maybe it be roadside BBQ´S from here on.
But I got over all that and ate the beast and went home telling myslef that that she proberly was really busy that day and didnt have time to change her Hygiene wear.
When I went in today I simply got diesel and the guy behind the counter had an Apron it was flithy aswell. Now there was no food involved this time but I couldnt help wonder if it was the same Apron never washed since last week and covered in a weeks chicken matter and whatever elese they do there.I dont know if I can trust these type of places any more and maybe it be roadside BBQ´S from here on.
Driving to a suitable location to have a bar-b-q but away from the cloudy weather I am currently under.checking in the weather satellite map to find a break in the clouds and ya we found one about one hour away due north.
If necessary we will up sticks and move again if we have to but a bar-b-q we will have come hell rain or high water
If necessary we will up sticks and move again if we have to but a bar-b-q we will have come hell rain or high water
Wednesday, 20 July 2011
Inner peace inner dignity
Every day is a chance to make contact with the Divinity within. I think that if I do have any regreats when all this is over it will be why did I not do it more.I cant see myslef regretting not having accumulated more material wealth or pursued things of that nature. Entering into a relationship with the Divine requires patience and practice,we are contacting a power that is pure Humility and understanding.We dont need to say anything really but this can be difficult.Staying in this presence without the inner diaglogue starting within a very short time.For some reason theres part of us thats just doesnt want to be there,its afraid ,it tells us this is nonsense,its a waste of time worse still its tells us we dont deserve any attention from our creator or on the other scale an anger with the Divine can emerge,why are there so many bad things happening in the world.We can be sure that the Divine mind understands and pleads with us to enter into a relationship with her.It may be the case that the Divine mind needs us to become alive .
Tuesday, 19 July 2011
I lost a friend to Washing machine disaster
I never really had time for washing machines,I never understood what all those controls and knobs were for.
But we had a fairly workable relationship down through the years,things remained simple between me and my machine someone once told me that setting the big knob to C and the leaving the temperture anywhere below boiling point would be fine.
Sure shirts changed color some jumpers lost there shape and became twice there size but this never really bothered me so long as they would still fit me in some shape or form. A shirt went from white to sky blue so what I effectively have a new shirt for free,If it came out different colours Great now I had a tie dye number

I recently was in the company of a friend who seemingly had basic knowledge of his washing machine controls like myslef but was not so philosophical as me ,not alone did his shirt change color he himslef appeared to change color when he took it out of the machine becoming what appeared to me to be
A shade of puce.Yes He and his shirt appeared to become the same color.I tried my best to save him with my washing machine philosophy and all that but it was no use .Philiosphy of no sort was gonna save this guy he just wanted his Shirt back .
But we had a fairly workable relationship down through the years,things remained simple between me and my machine someone once told me that setting the big knob to C and the leaving the temperture anywhere below boiling point would be fine.
Sure shirts changed color some jumpers lost there shape and became twice there size but this never really bothered me so long as they would still fit me in some shape or form. A shirt went from white to sky blue so what I effectively have a new shirt for free,If it came out different colours Great now I had a tie dye number
I recently was in the company of a friend who seemingly had basic knowledge of his washing machine controls like myslef but was not so philosophical as me ,not alone did his shirt change color he himslef appeared to change color when he took it out of the machine becoming what appeared to me to be
A shade of puce.Yes He and his shirt appeared to become the same color.I tried my best to save him with my washing machine philosophy and all that but it was no use .Philiosphy of no sort was gonna save this guy he just wanted his Shirt back .
minor infridgement of the culinary kind.
Today I done some cooking.
Some of it was cooked and the rest not,leading to all sorts of problems ,mainely in the stomach area.
Today I done some cooking.
Some of it was cooked and the rest not,leading to all sorts of problems ,mainely in the stomach area.
Areas of contemplation
Look for Areas of contemplation in youre everyday life.The result of contemplative energy is creativity.
Everything starts from nothing.
Monday, 18 July 2011
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