Wednesday, 20 July 2011

Inner peace inner dignity

Every day is a chance to make contact with the Divinity within. I think that if I  do have any regreats when all this is over it will be why did I not do it more.I  cant see myslef regretting not having accumulated more material wealth or pursued things of that nature. Entering into a relationship with the Divine requires patience and practice,we are contacting a power that is pure Humility and understanding.We dont need to say anything really but this can be difficult.Staying in this presence without the inner diaglogue starting within a very short time.For some reason theres part of us thats just doesnt want to be there,its afraid ,it tells us this is nonsense,its a waste of time worse still its tells us we dont deserve any attention from our creator or on the other scale an anger with the Divine can emerge,why are there so many bad things happening in the world.We can be sure that the Divine mind understands and pleads with us to enter into  a relationship with her.It may be the case that the Divine mind needs us to become alive .

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