Saturday, 10 September 2011


Added to my list of time wasting excercises Housework has to be top of the list ,but despite saying this it has its advantages.I would be of the school of thought similar to that of  quenton crisp who once said that after the third year of not cleaning the dust doesnt get any worse,like it comes to a plateau,stalemate.The dust sort of gives up and goes elsewhere.
Now yesterday I decided to stop short of the three years and tackle this somewaht dusty and untidy house of mine. Durning the course of this undertaking I was resting by the banister of the stairs having taken off my face mask when I noticed what looked like a handle amongst boxs and boxs of eighties records ,I moved the stuff in the way and to my astonishment discovered there was a door I couldnt remember ever seeing before.I know theres dust and theres dust but this takes the biscuit,I have heard of people loosing things like Business and things like that,I even know a friend of mine who once lost an aerplane but to find a room in a house I couldnt ever remeber being in before tops all that. With much effort I managed to open and enter the room .It didnt seem familiar to me at all .I wondered was it my neighbour who inadvertently put a door his side by mistake ,like a door where no door should be.But there was one big difference this room was spotless in stark contrast to life on the other side of the door.

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